Product Spread Rates

Waterlox® produces a variety of different products that may have different spread rates. They can generally be classified as Buffer Applied1 coatings and Wet Applied coatings (brush/pad).

Waterlox® Products Spread Rate
Wet Applied

500 sq. ft. per gallon per coat
125 sq. ft. per quart per coat
6 sq. ft. per 2 oz. bottle (sample size) per coat2

MARINE Formula
Wet Applied

500 sq. ft. per gallon per coat
125 sq. ft. per quart per coat
6 sq. ft. per 2 oz. bottle (sample size) per coat2

H2OLOX® Formula
Wet Applied

500 sq. ft. per gallon per coat
125 sq. ft. per quart per coat
6 sq. ft. per 2 oz. bottle (sample size) per coat2

Buffer Applied1

3200-4000 sq. ft. per gallon per coat
600-800 sq. ft. per quart per coat
300-400 sq. ft. per pint per coat
25-30 sq. ft. per 2 oz. bottle (sample size) per coat2

UNIVERSAL Tung Oil Sealer
Buffer Applied1

3200-4000 sq. ft. per gallon per coat
600-800 sq. ft. per quart per coat
300-400 sq. ft. per pint per coat
150-200 sq. ft. per half pint per coat
25-30 sq. ft. per 2 oz. bottle (sample size) per coat2

Wet Applied

500 sq. ft. per gallon per coat
125 sq. ft. per quart per coat
6 sq. ft. per 2 oz. bottle (sample size) per coat2

PURE Tung Oil
Wet Applied

400-500 sq. ft. per gallon per coat
100-125 sq. ft. per quart per coat
50-52.5 sq. ft. per pint per coat


For more information on spread rates, view the How Much Product Do I Need guide.

1IMPORTANT: Spread rates are based upon properly sanded wood applied with a buffing machine. Spread rates can be lower if a trowel is used for application, and significantly lower if hand-applied with a cloth, rag, applicator or over applied. Porous or “punky” woods (e.g.: reclaimed, soft, porous, barn wood, rough-sawn, dry wood, etc.) will reduce spread rates. You may wish to order extra to avoid waiting for more to arrive if you should run out.

2NOTE: In addition to the above 1 note, spread rates for the sample bottles are estimates – and do not include estimating the amount if hand-applied with a cloth, rag, applicator, or over applied. Sample sizes are for use on very small projects, touch ups or determining product selection. If using more than one sample size at a time, it is recommended to batch together the bottles before use.