Guide1-Project Considerations

Sanding and Waterlox®.

Sanding for adhesion purposes is not required between coats of Waterlox®s Tung oil based, penetrating finishes, making them unique. Most surface finishes such as urethanes require the sanding process to create what’s called a “profile”. A profile is similar to a mountain range microscopically. Failure to sand/abrade between coats of a surface finish can result Sanding and Waterlox®.

Rain or dew and Waterlox.

Q: “My project is wet from rain or dew, can I recoat?” A: For projects either around water or outdoors in the elements that can produce moisture, dew and/or rain, it is important that the project be completely dry prior to coating. Drying of the film on the surface is not our major concern; it’s Rain or dew and Waterlox.

Quick Solvent Reference Guide

There are 5 times throughout a Waterlox® project where the use of a solvent is recommended: Cleaning the surface before the first coat of a Waterlox® product. Cleaning the surface between coats of Waterlox® products. Cleaning application tools (e.g.: brushes, pads, etc.). Thinning Waterlox® products for specific application techniques (i.e. spraying). Removing an unwanted drip Quick Solvent Reference Guide

Product Recommendations

As a company, Waterlox has been around for over 100 years and has developed an extensive list of products for any and all wood projects. Selecting the right finish for your project can seem daunting, but we’re here to help. The Waterlox Products Waterlox offers a range of product families that aim to address different Product Recommendations